See the following sections for the commands supported by the clusterctl
command-line tool.
- clusterctl backup create
- clusterctl backup restore
- clusterctl certificate
- clusterctl help
- clusterctl install
- clusterctl license import
- clusterctl node add
- clusterctl node info
- clusterctl node join-token
- clusterctl proxy clear
- clusterctl proxy info
- clusterctl proxy set
- clusterctl retention config logs
- clusterctl retention config metrics
- clusterctl retention info
- clusterctl solution config export
- clusterctl solution config import
- clusterctl solution deploy
- clusterctl solution info
- clusterctl solution secret set
- clusterctl solution upload
- clusterctl uninstall
- clusterctl upgrade
- clusterctl version
- clusterctl volume capacity
- clusterctl volume info