Generate a mscaproxyclient.jks keystore containing:

  • The private key of CA Gateway for client authentication.
  • The key’s certificate.
  • The certificate’s chain.

See below the required steps.

The following instructions create a Java KeyStore (JKS) with the Java keytool command line utility. Consider using a more secure PKCS#12 type instead.

Generating and certifying the key pair

In a temporary directory under the Microsoft Proxy Server, run the following commands to generate and certify a key pair.

keytool -genkey -noprompt -alias mscaproxyclient -dname "cn=mscaproxy client" -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore mscaproxyclient.jks -storepass <STOREPASS> -keypass <KEYPASS>
keytool -certreq -alias mscaproxyclient -file mscaproxyclient.csr -keystore mscaproxyclient.jks -storepass <STOREPASS>
certreq.exe -f -attrib "CertificateTemplate:ClientAuthentication" -config "<HOST>\<CA>" mscaproxyclient.csr CertChainFileOut mscaproxyclient.p7b

Depending on the Microsoft CA setup, you may need to manually approve the request and retrieve the certificate.

See the following table for a description of the main parameters.




The name of the template authentication template for Microsoft CA you previously created.


The keystore configuration in "<HOST>\<CA>" syntax. Where <HOST> is the Microsoft CA’s hostname, and <CA> is the CA name defined when configuring Microsoft CA in CA Gateway.


A valid certificate distinguished name.


The password of the private key


The name of the keystore file. Copy this file into the CA Gateway’s server


The keystore password.

Importing the keys and the certificate

Import the keys and the certificate into the keystore.

keytool -import -noprompt -alias mscaproxyclient -file mscaproxyclient.p7b -keystore mscaproxyclient.jks -storepass <STOREPASS>

Deleting temporary files

Delete the temporary files.

del CertChainFileOut
del CertChainFileOut.rsp
del mscaproxyclient.csr
del mscaproxyclient.p7b