Configure one or more Digital ID Configurations for the MDM protocols.
An MDMWS Digital ID Configuration is a template Certificate Enrollment Gateway uses to issue digital IDs for a mobile device with an MDM protocol.
Digital ID
A unique name for the Digital ID Configuration. This name:
- Must be at least four characters long,
- Must contain only letters, numbers, underscores, spaces, and hyphens.
Mandatory: Yes.
The CA identifier (CA ID) in CA Gateway of the CA for certificate enrollments.
Mandatory: Yes.
CAGW Profile ID
The profile identifier (Profile ID) in CA Gateway of the CA for certificate enrollments.
Mandatory: Yes.
Parent DN
The parent DN (distinguished name) for certificates issued by Certificate Enrollment Gateway.
For an on-premises CA, the parent DN must be a known searchbase defined in the CA.
For Entrust PKI as a Service, the parent DN must be an absent or custom parent DN.
ou=Devices,o=My Company,c=US
cn=Users,ou=North America,o=My Company,c=GB
Certificate Enrollment Gateway will build the rest of the client's DN when enrolling the client.
Mandatory: No.
RDN Format
This setting specifies the relative distinguished name (RDN) format that Certificate Enrollment Gateway uses to find and create users.
Enclose variables with angled brackets (< and >). The incoming MDMWS request must have these variables defined. Examples:
cn=<firstname> <lastname>
cn=<igusername> <iggroup> <devicetype>
Mandatory: Yes.