Add an identity certificate in Ivanti Neurons to automate MDM enrollment.

To add an identity certificate in Ivanti Neurons 

  1. Log into the Ivanti Neurons portal.
  2. Select Configurations in the navigation sidebar and click Add.

  3. Click Identity certificate in the Add Configuration pane.

  4. Enter a friendly name for the identity certificate in the Name field.
  5. Select the following values under Configuration Setup.

Certificate Distribution

Select Dynamically Generated.

Mandatory: Yes


Select the certificate authority described in Adding Entrust as issuing certificate authority in Ivanti Neurons MDM.

Mandatory: Yes

Profile ID

Select the Profile ID value of the digital identifier.

Mandatory: Yes

Profile description

Enter a description of the enrollment profile.

Mandatory: No

Application description

Enter a description of the intended application for the identity certificate.

Mandatory: No

Subject Alternate Name Type

Select a format for the Subject Alternative Name field in the enrolled certificates.

Mandatory: Select None if the enrolled certificates do not require a Subject Alternative Name field. 

Subject Alternative Name Value

Enter a value for the Subject Alternative Name field in the enrolled certificates.

Mandatory: When selecting a value other than None in Subject Alternate Name Type.

Target Certificate Store

When enrolling Windows devices, select the store for installing the certificates.


Certificate store

​Device Certificate

The store of the ​local machine

User Certificate

The store of the current user

Mandatory: When enrolling certificates for Windows devices.